聚焦超声是无切口的, minimally invasive treatment for essential tremor, a neurological condition in which uncontrollable shaking – most often in the hands, 头部或声音-在运动时发生. Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder, affecting an estimated 10 million Americans. For some people, the shakiness is so severe that it impedes their ability to function. 尽管原因尚不清楚, research has shown that the tremor can be alleviated by treating a small area deep inside the brain that regulates movement; this tiny area is the ventral intermediate (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus.

During this outpatient procedure, high-intensity sound waves, guided by MRI, are focused on the Vim. These sound waves pass painlessly and safely through skin, bone and brain to reach their target. Much as a magnifying glass can focus sunlight to burn a hole in paper, the focused ultrasound generates enough heat to burn cells in the Vim without harming surrounding tissue. 恢复时间短, and the treatment can significantly reduce tremor, improving the ability to perform daily activities, 比如吃, 喝酒和写作. It does not, however, cure the underlying disease.

目标是丘脑的同一区域, focused ultrasound can also be used to treat tremors for patients with tremor-dominant Parkinson's disease. UCSF doctors are at the forefront of investigations into the use of focused ultrasound to treat other conditions, 包括脑瘤和前列腺癌.


To be eligible for this treatment, you must answer yes to all of the following questions:

  • 你被诊断患有特发性震颤吗?
  • Have you tried at least two medications for your tremor?
  • 你的震颤会影响你的生活质量吗?
  • Would you be comfortable lying still in an MRI scanner for two to three hours?
  • 你的年龄在22岁以上吗?

If you meet all five criteria, you may be a candidate for treatment with focused ultrasound. Please have your doctor fax or email us a referral and a copy of your insurance card. For more information, feel free to give us a call.